So over the course of 2006/07 I will be breeding a number of rats (probably about 5 litters) and I will get various rats that I am sure will be very popular. Please find below a breif desciption of the litters I expect and when i expect them to be born:
Jan 06: Marked Down Under Dumbo and Top Eared 50% of which will be Rex. Various colours, expect champagne, blue, black and chocolate.
Jan 06: Marked litter of black mis-marked kittens 50% Rex, expecting capped possibly variegated 25% will be Dumbo, all will carry Down Under.
May 06: Marked Down Under Dumbo litter, 50% Rex with Russian Blues, chocolates, blacks, probably blues too.
Oct 06: Marked Down Under Dumbo Litter 50% Rex probably all black.
Feb 07: Marked Down Under Litter 50% Rex, 50% Russian Blue, 50% Blue.
June 07: Double Blue Variegeated and Capped Down Under Dumbo Litter (50% Rex )
Alright - it won't go as planned - but that's the general idea, I will have to get other rats in that time, hope for no illnesses, infertility etc. But that is the general plan for the next year and a half - if anyone would like to help then please get in touch -