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Rats from my rattery have been exported to and bred in Russia to help the introduction of both dumbo and rex over there.

This page is dedicated to the rats that I exported to Russia and the lines that they have sired.

I was contacted by a Russian rat owner who asked me if I would be able to provide her with rats that could be used by Russian breeders to help introduce Dumbo and rex.

I sent out two rats, one was a Black Blazed Berkshire Dumbo buck and the second being a Black Capped Dumbo Rex - later to be named CSR Cosmo and CSR Squeak (respectively).



The site of the Russian Rat Club has a couple of pictures of the rats that I sent over there (if your not that good at translating Russian then try to use Babel).

The site of Nina Igoshina if you are to go here then you will see a number of photos of kittens bred from the bucks that I sent over there.

CSR Cosmo


Both rats have now been bred from and I think that there is every intention to continue breeding from these lines in the future.

CSR Squeak

  CSR Squeaks' offspring

This Russian squeaking descendant of my rattery can be found (along with another English ancestored rat) on