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Hundreds of rats have been rehomed by Cosmic Saqueak Rattery, over the last few years - I always appreciate being kept up to date on their progress, their health temperament etc. I personally try my best to keep in touch with everyone that I rehome rats to (I had a small setback when I had to wipe my hard drive and start again due to a virus).

These rats are ones that we have bred and sold as pets.

 If you have one of our rats feel free to send us a picture and we will put it up here.




Everest and Parker



This is the first picture I have uploaded of one of the rats I provided for export to Russia - he is a Rex Black Capped Dumbo Carrying, Blue Carrying Buck who almost certainly carries mink as well.


This is the other rat that I gave to be exported to Russia. He is a black blazed dumbo buck - he carries blue and mink.